Blog Entry #2: In Sickness and in Wealth
In Sickness and in Wealth (2008) by Larry Adelman Mind blown. This was my overall reaction from watching this film. After finding out that this film was made in 2008, I couldn’t help but shake my head out of deep frustration. I had this mixed feeling of anger and “WTF” moments wherein it felt so weird that a lot of the things/ messages and predictions these experts said back in 2008 have now to come to existence That in 2020, we are now in a world facing a predicament that could’ve been avoided (maybe?) or if not, handled more efficiently and effectively. What’s worse is that more than a decade after the film was made, the problem in America’s inequity in social, political and economic systems/ policies remain prevalent (and most likely has worsen) in several parts of the country. A key takeaway that I got from this film is that: in America, wealth equals health. Here in this country, health is dependent largely on the individual’s assets and resources. Unf...